Oh, hey!

I'm Lindsay and I'm a copywriter and content strategist. Here's what I'm really good at: teaching and sharing my 20 years of knowledge with other women entrepreneurs so they can change their relationship to creating content.

Service over sales

Helping and teaching is far more important than making a ton of money. I want every single one of my clients to come away with a tangible results. That's the goal. 

Authenticity is magic

What you see is what you get. I only know how to be one Lindsay. My clients always get the real me. Every time. I teach my clients to do the same.

Content is crafty

Marketing is not only strategy. No matter what you’ve been taught. It’s a creative process that requires a combination of intuition, intention and energy.

My Story

Right out of journalism school, I got a job at CBC Radio. Even then, I wanted nothing to do with the news stories and only wanted to work on the lengthier current affairs pieces because they were more creative.

A few years later, after freelancing as a lifestyle blogger, I accidentally fell into advertising. Where I stayed as a copywriter for 12 years.

Excelling at digital projects, the next logical step was social media manager and creating content.

Now, I get to combine all this expertise doing what I love. Teaching others to love creating content.

Why I Do It

Working full-time in advertising is not a 9-5 job. It's a 9 until the project-is-done job.

After having kids, I knew I needed to do something different.

Running your own business is fraught with challenges. It's also the most fun I've ever had.

Everyone's version of success is different. For me, it's not a million dollar company. It's being available when these kids get off the bus.



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